Save Time and Money: Pre-Screen Recruits With 5 Questions

Posted on Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Most employers select finalists for new positions after a lengthy series of interviews. Of course, face-to-face interviews are important, but you can save a lot of time -- and make better hiring decisions -- by asking applicants a few pointed questions over the telephone before you schedule any meetings.

Here are Five Suggested Questions:

  • Why are you leaving your current position?
  • Why do you want to work for our company?
  • What are your career goals?
  • How can you help us?
  • How can we help you?

There's not necessarily one correct answer to each question. However, an impromptu interview can provide a quick read on an applicant's commitment and energy level. It can also reveal how a person makes decisions.

You may both discover the job is not a good fit and decide to skip the interview.

Once You Interview Someone Face-to-Face

There's no excuse for job applicants not to know key facts about your company when they come in for an interview. After all, with the Internet, they can do more research than ever before by reading news clips about your firm and studying your own website.

And yet, many job seekers still come to interviews unprepared. One of the best questions you can ask applicants is: "What can you tell me about our company?"

People who can describe your mission, products, services and competitors deserve special consideration because they show they're conscientious and attentive to detail.

Posted in Tax Topics For Individuals, Tax And Accounting Topics For Business

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"I love working at DWD because of the variety of work I get to experience and the team-like structure that is put in place here. Staff members at any level are more than willing to answer questions and…"
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DWD Senior Accountant